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Virtual BTO - Sample

sample page

Below is a demo sample. The unit is in its bare form without any furnishing.


Each unit request will receive a 360-degree view at several locations in the unit, generally:

- beside all windows (bedrooms, living room/balcony and kitchen only)

- around the unit center

- main door (inside unit)

- views at various static points around the estate

- sunrise/sunset animation of estate at 4 different viewpoints


By default:

- windows are closed

- main door is opened and main gate is closed

- windows are not shown for kitchen and service yard so that you can see the clothes hanger

- bomb shelter door closed as it affects the viewing experience



- click on the arrows on the floor to proceed to the specific locations within the unit.

- a mini floorplan is provided at the top-left corner.

- you can also navigate using the mini floorplan by clicking on the orange markers.

- gyroscopic function is available if your device supports it.

- view in landscape/horizontal mode on mobile devices for better viewing experience.


Offline Viewing:

- The tour can be downloaded for offline viewing on your computer or compatible mobile devices. A link will be shown if your device is compatible on the top of the virtual tour window when you first load the tour.


Sample Unit Tour

(downloadable for offline viewing)

For mobile devices, rotate screen to horizontal mode for better experience

Each tour also include views of various static points around the estate & sunrise-sunset animation

(downloadable for offline viewing)

For mobile devices, rotate screen to horizontal mode for better experience

NOTE:: chasingHams / chasingBTO shall not be responsible in any way for any damage or loss suffered by any person whether directly or indirectly as a result of reliance on the said information or as a result of any error or omission therein.

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